Ultrasound of the heart
This is a non-invasive test that allows us to evaluate the heart, including wall thickness, chamber size, valve function, blood flow and contractility. It is the most efficient and accurate way to test for heart disease, enabling us to quickly reach a diagnosis and start a treatment plan.

These are an essential part of a comprehensive cardiac evaluation. They are used to evaluate general heart size as well as the lungs and adjacent structures. A radiograph is the test of choice to assess respiratory signs and diagnose congestive heart failure (fluid within the lung tissue also known as pulmonary edema).

Blood Pressure
As in people, high blood pressure (hypertension) in pets can have severe health implications. It can negatively affect the heart as much as the eyes, kidneys and brain. Blood pressure assessment gives us valuable information that will help us understand your pet’s condition and determine whether it needs treatment.

An ECG assesses the heart rate and is used to detect and diagnose an irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia). Additional testing, such as 24-hour Holter monitoring (an ambulatory ECG), is sometimes also required to better assess the arrhythmia and optimize treatment.

Laboratory blood tests
Bloodwork is sometimes indicated to evaluate kidney function, electrolytes, thyroid status and other important parameters, particularly when cardiac therapy is initiated.